Thursday, October 10, 2019

Payroll System Pseudocode, Algorithm and Flowchart

Programming Problem

Create pseudocode and flowchart that will ask the user to give employees name, position, 
number of days work and rate per day and then solve the salary of the employee and 
display the result on the screen.


    Declare String name, position
    Declare Real dayswork, rateperday, salary
     Output "Give Employee's Name"
    Input name
    Output "Give Employee's Position"
    Input position
    Output "Give Employee's Number of Days Work"
    Input dayswork
    Output "Give Employee's Daily Rate"
    Input rateperday
    Assign salary = (dayswork * rateperday)
    Output "Hi " &name & "being an " & position & " your salary is PHP " & tofixed(salary,2) & "."


Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare variables name, position,dayswork
        Declare variables rateperday, salary
Step 3: Input Employee's Name says name
        Input Employee's Position says position
        Input Employee's Number of Days Work say dayswork
        Input Employee's Daily Rate say rateperday
Step 4: salary = (dayswork * rateperday)
Step 5: Display employee's name, position, salary
Step 6: Stop

Payroll System Flowchart

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