A simple program that I wrote in Java that will ask the user to give the amount loaned, time and interest in the amount and then I will compute the interest rate in the given amount which is being borrowed by the client or customer.
I hope you will find my work useful and beneficial. If you have some questions about programming, about my work please send me an email at jakerpomperada@gmail.comand jakerpomperada@yahoo.com. People here in the Philippines can contact me at my mobile number 09173084360.
Thank you very much and Happy Programming.
Sample Program Output
Program Listing
// Problem : Write a program in Java that computes for simple interest for the amount // that is being borrow from a bank or financial institution.
// Date: June 28, 2015
// Written By: Mr. Jake R. Pomperada, MAED-IT
// Email Address: jakerpomperada@yahoo.com and jakerpomperada@gmail.com
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
class interest {
public static float compute_interest_rate(float principal_amount, float rate, float time)
float solve_interest = (principal_amount*rate*time)/100;
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.##");
char a;
System.out.println("===== SIMPLE AMOUNT INTEREST SOLVER =====");
System.out.print("Enter principle amount being borrowed : PHP ");
float amount = scan.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Enter number of years to be paid : ");
float year = scan.nextFloat();
System.out.print("Enter annual interest rate : ");
float rate = scan.nextFloat();
float amount_to_be_paid = compute_interest_rate(amount, rate, year);
System.out.print("The total amount of interest to be paid is PHP " + df.format(amount_to_be_paid) +".");
System.out.print("Do you Want To Continue (Y/N) :=> ");
} while(a=='Y'|| a=='y');
System.out.println("\t ===== END OF PROGRAM ======");
} // End of Program