Write a menu-driven program that uses a function to convert the following temperatures Fahrenheit to Celsius & Kelvin, Celsius to Fahrenheit & Kelvin and Kelvin to Fahrenheit & Celsius. The program also has an exit program option in order for the user to quit the program.
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Program Listing
# temperature.py
# Rollyn M. Moises and Jake R. Pomperada
# February 28, 2019 Thursday
# Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
def fah():
F=int(input('\tEnter the temperature on Fahrenheit(F) : '));
C=(F - 32) * 5/9;
K=(F - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15;
print("\tFahrenheit Value :",round(F,2));
print("\tCelsius Value :",round(C,2));
print("\tKelvin Value:",round(K,2));
print("\tEND OF PROGRAM");
def cel():
C=int(input('\tEnter the temperature on Celsius(C) : '));
F=(C * 9/5) + 32;
K=C + 273.15;
print("\tFahrenheit Value :",round(F,2));
print("\tCelsius Value :",round(C,2));
print("\tKelvin Value:",round(K,2));
print("\tEND OF PROGRAM");
def kel():
K=int(input('\tEnter the temperature on Kelvin(K) : '));
F=(K - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32;
C=K - 273.15;
print("\tFahrenheit Value :",round(F,2));
print("\tCelsius Value :",round(C,2));
print("\tKelvin Value:",round(K,2));
print("\tEND OF PROGRAM");
print("\t===== MAIN MENU =====");
print("[1] Fahrenheit to Celsius & Kelvin");
print("[2] Celsius to Fahrenheit & Kelvin");
print("[3] Kelvin to Fahrenheit & Celsius");
print("[4] Exit Program");
n=int(input('\tEnter the choice: '));
if n==1:
elif n==2:
elif n==3:
elif n==4:
print('Invalid options')