Sunday, June 2, 2024

What Are JavaScript Libraries?

 What Are JavaScript Libraries?

JavaScript libraries contain various functions, methods, or objects to perform practical tasks on a webpage or JS-based application. You can even build a WordPress site with them.

Think of them as a book library where you revisit to read your favorite books. You may be an author and enjoy other authors’ books, get a new perspective or idea, and utilize the same in your life.

Similarly, a JavaScript library has codes or functions that developers can reuse and repurpose. A developer writes these codes, and other developers reuse the same code to perform a certain task, like preparing a slideshow, instead of writing it from scratch. It saves them significant time and effort.

They are precisely the motive behind creating JavaScript libraries, which is why you can find dozens of them for multiple use cases. They not only save you time but also bring simplicity to the entire development process.

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