Friday, May 30, 2014

Saint Vincent High School Computer Online Tutorial System

As I gain experience in computer programming, web design and development there customer and clients who hire me to do their programming projects. One of this programming projects that I have done for the web is entitled Saint Vincent High School Computer Online Tutorial System. In the beginning I have some doubts whether I was able to do this project on time and within the budget primary because I don't have yet some experience in developing applications for the web. But my client is very confident enough to give me a chance and opportunity to work to his project so I give it a try.

What is system will do is quiet simple for some people first the system will display a main page which contains several links for basic computer tutorials. The content of each links starts which the brief history of computers, the scientists and persons involve in the invention and the development of computer technology, the different components of computers such as its hardware, software and people ware and finally the technology about the Internet, search engines, information gathering in the web and computer ethics and security as the last topics in the tutorials.

In every end of the chapter their is a quiz designed for the student to check their knowledge and understanding of the topic that is being discussed within each chapter. The best thing about this system that I wrote is the it count the number of correct and incorrect answers of the students and it generates reports and the grade of the student in the said chapter. The system will show also what is the correct answer to the question where the student made a mistake. It also compute the grades of the student for the particular chapter of the topic which can be used by the teacher as an assessment method for giving grades to the student in their computer subject in the school.

When we taking about the security the system will allow only students that was able to register in the website. The student will able to register their username, password, student name, section and subject in the system to insecure that only qualified student can only use the system. 

I wrote this Saint Vincent High School Computer Online Tutorial System using HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP and MySQL. For my text editor I'm only using Notepad++ that is an open source text editor that can be downloaded free from the Internet and WAMP Server for the PHP compiler and my web server is Apache.

I hope this program of my mine can give you an idea how to great your own online computer tutorial system using PHP and MySQL.

Thank you very much.

Sample Output of Our Program

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