Saturday, May 31, 2014

Books Information System in Visual Basic 6

Everyone of us likes to read books no question about it according to the research study conducted by scientist, educators and psychologist 70 to 80 percent of our learning abilities we get from reading. I totally agree on it in order for us to become literate we must read a lot and understand we read is very important. Teachers called it reading comprehension there are many books that is available to us specially in the bookstore and libraries in schools.  One of my hobbies is buying and reading books I like to read computer books, electronics, science and history related facts it makes me happy acquire new learning I guess and able to share it also to other people that I meet and talk with.
At school one of the most important services that any educational institution can offer to its faculties, staff and most importantly the student is the library. The library is a place where students, teachers and other worker in school can visit read books, magazines, news papers and periodicals. There are a wide selection of books to choose from technical books, novels, encyclopedias and magazines. The persons who is in charge in library is called the librarian they are the one who make sure the books are arrange very well, monitor the borrowers and returnee’s of borrowed books and also orders the necessary books need by the students and teachers in the school.
In this article I will share with you a program that I wrote last year for a client in United Kingdom that will store the information of different books in the library. I called this program Books Information System written entirely in Microsoft Visual Basic 6 as my front end and for my database and tables I am using Microsoft Access.  Now what this program will do it allows the librarian to add records of books, save the records of the books, search the book, delete the record of the book that is no longer available in the library and update the records of the book for the library.  The program I also included a function that allows the user or library to navigate the records of the book as simple as selecting move first, move next, move previous and move to the last record.
In addition for security I write a login function that will ask the user to enter the user name and password prior they will allow to us the book information system by doing so it will avoid intruders and unauthorized personnel to use the system without prior permission from the librarian.  I write this code using DAO and ADO database access in Visual Basic 6.
Thank you very much.

Sample Output Of Our Program


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