Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Odd and Even Number Checker in Golang

A very simple  program that will ask the user to give a number and then the program will check if the given number is a even or odd number and then display the results on the screen.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

// odd_even.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
    var num_value int32
    fmt.Print("\tOdd and Even Number Checker")
    fmt.Print("\tKindly give a number? ")
  if num_value % 2 ==0 {
       fmt.Print("\tThe given number ")
       fmt.Print(" is an Even Number.")
    } else {
       fmt.Print("\tThe given number ")
       fmt.Print(" is an Odd Number.")
    fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")

Legal Age Checker in Go

A very simple program that will ask the user to give its age and then the program will check and determine if the given age of the user is already an adult or still a minor using Go programming language.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

// legal_age.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main(){
    var age int32
    fmt.Print("\tLegal Age Checker")
    fmt.Print("\tWhat is your Age? ")
  if age >= 18 {
       fmt.Print("\tAt the age of ")
       fmt.Printf("%d ",age)
       fmt.Print(" years old. You are already an Adult.")
    } else {
        fmt.Print("\tAt the age of ")
        fmt.Printf("%d ",age)
        fmt.Print(" years old. You are still a Minor.")
    fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")

Positive and Number Number Checker in Golang

A very simple  program that will ask the user to give a number and then the program will check if the given number is a positive or negative number and then display the results on the screen.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

// positive_negative.go

package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
    var num_value int32
    fmt.Print("\tPositive and Number Number Checker")
    fmt.Print("\tKindly give a number? ")
  if num_value <0 {
       fmt.Print("\tThe given number ")
       fmt.Print(" is a Negative Number.")
    } else {
       fmt.Print("\tThe given number ")
       fmt.Print(" is a Positive Number.")
    fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")

Friday, December 7, 2018

Area of the Rectangle Solver Using Go

A simple program that I wrote using Go programming language to solve the area of the rectangle using Go.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

/* rectangle.go
   Author : Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-IT
   Date   : December 7, 2018   Friday   4:32 PM
   Emails : jakerpomperada@gmail.com and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com

package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
var area int  
    var l,b int
    fmt.Print("\tArea of the Rectangle Solver")
    fmt.Print("\tGive Length of Rectangle : ")
    fmt.Print("\tGive Breadth of Rectangle : ")
    area = l * b
    fmt.Println("\tArea of Rectangle : ",area) 
    fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")

Calculate Area and Circumference of Circle Using Go

In this example program I write a program to solve the area and circumference of the circle using Go programming language.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

/* circle.go
   Author : Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-IT
   Date   : December 7, 2018   Friday   4:12 PM
   Emails : jakerpomperada@gmail.com and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com

package main

import "fmt"

 const PI float64 = 3.14 

func main(){
    var rad float64
    var ci float64
    var area float64
    fmt.Print("\tCalculate Area and Circumference of Circle")
    fmt.Print("\tEnter radius of Circle : ")
    area = PI * rad * rad 
    fmt.Print("\tArea of Circle is : ")
    fmt.Printf("%0.2f ",area)
    ci = 2 * PI * rad
    fmt.Print("\tCircumference of Circle is : ")  
    fmt.Printf("%0.2f ",ci)
    fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")

Loan Interest Solver in Golang

A very simple program that I wrote using Golang to solve the loan of the customer in a bank or a lending institution. The code is very simple to understand and use.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


package main

import "fmt"
func main() {

var SI float64

fmt.Print("\tLoan Interest Rate Solver")
fmt.Print("\tGive Principal Amount PHP : ")
var principal float64
fmt.Print("\tGive Time  : ")
var time float64

fmt.Print("\tGive Rate (%) : ")
var rate float64

/* Calculate simple loan interest */
 SI = (principal * time * rate) / 100;

fmt.Print("\tThe Interest is PHP ")
fmt.Printf("%0.2f \n", SI)
fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")


Addition of Two Numbers in Golang

A very simple program that I wrote using Golang to ask the user to give two numbers and the program will compute its total sum.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
var val1 int32
var val2 int32
var sum int32

fmt.Print("\tAddition of Two Numbers")
fmt.Print("\tEnter two numbers: ")
sum = (val1+val2)
fmt.Println("\tThe sum of",val1, "and",val2 ,"is",sum,".")
fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Employee's Record Using Union in C

A very simple employees record using union that I wrote using C language. I wrote this code while writing my book entitled "Introduction to C Programming".  I hope you will find my work useful. Thank you.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Program Listing

include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

union Employee
  int age; 
  char Name[100];
  char Department[100];
  float Salary;

int main()
  union Employee emp1;
  union Employee emp2;
    emp1.age = 28;
    strcpy(emp1.Name, "Julianna Rae Pomperada");
    strcpy(emp1.Department, "Computer Science");
    emp1.Salary = 32000.70;
  printf("\tDetails of the First Employee \n");
  printf("\tEmployee Age = %d \n", emp1.age);
  printf("\tEmployee Name = %s \n", emp1.Name);
  printf("\tEmployee Department = %s \n", emp1.Department);
  printf("\tEmployee Salary = %.2f \n\n", emp1.Salary);

  printf("\tDetails of the Second Employee \n" );
  emp2.age = 30;
  printf("\tEmployee Age = %d \n", emp2.age );
  strcpy(emp2.Name, "Julianna Rae Pomperada");
  printf("\tEmployee Name = %s \n", emp2.Name );
  strcpy(emp2.Department, "Information Technology" );
  printf("\tEmployee Department = %s \n ", emp2.Department );
  emp2.Salary = 35000.20;
  printf("\tEmployee Salary = %.2f \n ", emp2.Salary );
  printf("\t\tEnd of Program");

Employee's Profile Using Union in C

Here is a sample program that I wrote using Union in C to display the employee's profile. The code is very simple which I learned during the time I'm writing my book on C programming. I hope you will find my work useful in your quest in learning C programming.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Program Listing

union emp
char emp_name[100];
char emp_position[100];
int age;
    float salary;
void main()
 union emp profile;
 printf("\tEmployee's Profile Using Union");
 printf("\tEmployees Name     : ");
 printf("\tName         :  %s\n",profile.emp_name);
 printf("\tEmployees Position : ");
 printf("\tYour position is %s.\n",profile.emp_position);
 printf("\tEmployees Age : ");
 printf("\tYour age is %d year(s) old.\n",profile.age);
 printf("\tEmployees Salary : PHP ");
 printf("\tYour salary is PHP %.2f",profile.salary);
 printf("\tEnd of Program");

Union Sample Program in C

While I am writing my book in C programming I just learned for the first time how to write a program using Union in C. Here is a very simple program to demonstrate how to use union works.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Program Listing

#include <stdio.h>
union student
   char name[200],subject[200];
   int age;
   float grade;
int main()
 union student records;
 printf("\tUnion Sample Program");
 printf("\t===== DISPLAY RECORD =====");
 strcpy(records.name,"Juan Dela Cruz");
 printf("\tStudent Name    :  %s\n ",records.name);
 records.age = 17;
 printf("\tStudent Age     :  %d\n ",records.age);
 strcpy(records.subject,"Linear Algebra");
 printf("\tStudent Subject :  %s\n ",records.subject);
 records.grade =89.03;
 printf("\tStudent Grade   :  %.2f\n ",records.grade);
 printf("\tEnd of Program");

Using toupper function in C++

I guys in this article I would like to share with you a sample program to show you how to use toupper function in a C++ program that I wrote in my C++ programming class in college. I hope you will find my work useful. Thank you.

I am currently accepting programming work, it projects, school 

programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting 

work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.

My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com

Program Listing

// Addition of two numbers using two dimensional array
// November 1, 2018  Thursday
// Author: Mr. Jake R. Pomperada,MAED-IT
// www.jakerpomperada.com
// jakerpomperada@gmail.com
// jakerpomperada@jakerpomperada.com
// Product of Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
int a[1][1];
char reply;
int sum=0;
do {

cout <<"\n\n";
cout << "Addition of Two Numbers Using Two Dimensional Array in C++";
cout <<"\n\n";
cout << "Enter first number : ";
cin >> a[0][0];
cout <<"Enter second number : ";
cin >> a[0][1];
sum = (a[0][0]) + (a[0][1]);
cout <<"\n\n";
cout << "The total sum is " << sum <<".";
cout <<"\n\n";
cout <<"Do you want to continue? Y/N : ";
cin >> reply;
} while(toupper(reply)=='Y');
cout <<"\n\n";
cout <<"\tEnd of Program";
cout <<"\n\n";