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Wednesday, April 6, 2022
Input Name in Scala
Machine Problem
Write a program that will ask the user to give first name, and last name and then the program will greet the user by displaying the first name, and last name of the user on the screen.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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Jake Pomperada
Program Listing/* Input_Name.scalaProf. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-IT, MITwww.jakerpomperada.blogspot.com and www.jakerpomperada.comjakerpomperada@gmail.comNovember 11, 2021 8:21 PM ThursdayBacolod City, Negros Occidental*/import java.util.Scanner;object Input_Name {def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {var input = new Scanner(System.in);print("\n\n");print("\tInput Name in Scala");print("\n\n");print("\tGive Your First Name : ");var first_name = input.nextLine();print("\tGive Your Last Name : ");var last_name = input.nextLine();print("\n");print("\tHello " + first_name + " " + last_name + ". How are you? \n");print("\n");print("\tEND OF PROGRAM");print("\n\n");}}
Sum,Product, Difference, and Quotient in C#
Machine Problem
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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Jake Pomperada
Program Listing
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int num1, num2, sum,product,difference, quotient;
Console.Write("\tSum,Product, Difference, and Quotient in C#");
Console.Write("\tEnter First Value : ");
num1 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("\tEnter Second Value : ");
num2 = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
sum = num1 + num2;
product = num1 * num2;
difference = num1 - num2;
quotient = num1 / num2;
Console.Write("\t{0} + {1} = {2}\n", num1, num2, sum);
Console.Write("\t{0} * {1} = {2}\n", num1, num2, product);
Console.Write("\t{0} - {1} = {2}\n", num1, num2,difference);
Console.Write("\t{0} / {1} = {2}\n", num1, num2, quotient);
Console.WriteLine("\tEnd of Program");
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Print Calendar in Python
A program that will display the calendar using Python programming language.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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Jake Pomperada
Program Listingimport calendar
# Calenday.py
# Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-IT, MIT
# www.jakerpomperada.blogspot.com and www.jakerpomperada.com
# jakerpomperada@gmail.com
# Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines
print("\tPrint Calendar in Python");
year = int(input("\tEnter the year Number: "))
month = int(input("\tEnter the month Number: "))
print(calendar.month(year, month))
print("\tEnd of Program");
Monday, April 4, 2022
Remove Vowels in C#
A simple program that I wrote using C# to ask the user to give a string and then the program will remove the vowels in the given string by the user.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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Jake Pomperada
Program Listing
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static string remove_vowels(string value)
var stripped = from c in value.ToCharArray()
where !"aeiouAEIOU".Contains(c)
select c;
return new string(stripped.ToArray());
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("\tRemove Vowels in C#");
Console.Write("\tGive a String : ");
string given_str = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("\tGiven String : " + given_str + "\n");
Console.WriteLine("\tRemove Vowels : " + remove_vowels(given_str));
Console.WriteLine("\tEnd of Program");
Payroll Program Using Scala
Machine Problem
Write a program to ask the user to give the employee's name, number of days' work, and rate per day. The program will compute the salary of the employee by displaying the employee's name, and their salary on the screen.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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GCash Account
Jake Pomperada
Program Listing
/* Pay_Program.scala
Prof. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-IT, MIT
www.jakerpomperada.blogspot.com and www.jakerpomperada.com
November 09, 2021 10:02 PM Tuesday
Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
import java.util.Scanner;
object Payroll_Program {
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
var input = new Scanner(System.in);
print("\tPayroll Program Using Scala");
print("\tEnter Employee's Name : ");
var emp_name = input.nextLine();
print("\tEnter Days Worked : ");
var days = input.nextDouble();
print("\tEnter Rate Per Day : ");
var rate = input.nextDouble();
var salary = (days * rate);
print("\tEmployee's Name : " + emp_name + "\n");
print("\tThe Gross Salary : PHP " + f"$salary%5.2f" )
print("\tEND OF PROGRAM");
Sunday, April 3, 2022
Average Grade Solver in PHP
A simple program that will ask the user to give prelim, midterm, and endterm grade and then the program will compute the average grade of the student using PHP programming language.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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Jake Pomperada
Program Listing
<?php if(isset($_POST["grade1"], $_POST["grade2"], $_POST["grade3"])) { $calc = $_POST["grade1"] + $_POST["grade2"] +$_POST["grade3"]; $calc = round($calc / 3, 2); $avg = '<div>You average grade is: <strong>'.$calc.'</strong></div>'; } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Average Grade Solver</title> <style> * { box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { min-height: 100vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: #f1f1f1; font-family: sans-serif; } main { padding: 30px; border-radius: 2px; background-color: #fff; } h1 { margin-bottom: 10px; line-height: 1; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 28px; text-align: center; } h2 { margin-bottom: 30px; line-height: 1; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; } .block { margin: 0 auto 10px; } label { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; } input { padding: 8px; width: 100%; } button { padding: 8px 16px; background-color: #607d8b; color: #fff; outline: 0; border: 0; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; width: 150px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; } button + div { font-size: 18px; text-align: center; background-color: #ffeb3b; padding: 10px; border-radius: 3px; } </style> </head> <body> <main class="container"> <h1>Average Grade Solver in PHP</h1> <h2>Jake R. Pomperada, MAED-IT, MIT</h2> <form action="" method="post"> <div class="block"> <label for="grade1">Give Prelim Grade:</label> <input type="number" min=0 name="grade1" id="grade1"> </div> <div class="block"> <label for="grade2">Give Midterm Grade:</label> <input type="number" min=0 name="grade2" id="grade2"> </div> <div class="block"> <label for="grade3">Give Final Grade:</label> <input type="number" min=0 name="grade3" id="grade3"> </div> <button type="submit">Submit</button> <?php if(isset($avg)) echo $avg; ?> </form> </main> </body> </html>
Remove Consonants in a String in JavaScript
A simple program asks the user to give a string and then the program will remove the consonants in the given string using JavaScript programming language.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
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Jake Pomperada
Program Listing
<h2>Remove Consonants in a String in JavaScript</h2>
body {
font-family: arial;
<script type="text/javascript">
function Remove_Consonants(str) {
var str = document.getElementById( 'rev_cp' ).value;
var strArr = str.split('');
for (var x = 0; x < str.length; x++) {
var char = str[x].toLowerCase();
if (char == "a" || char == "e" || char == "i" || char == "o" || char == "u") {
} else {
strArr[x] = '';
alert( "" + strArr);
return strArr.join('');
<input type="text" size=40 id="rev_consonants"><br><br>
<input type="button" value="Remove Consonants String" onClick="Remove_Consonants(rev_consonants)">
Remove Vowels in a String in JavaScript
A simple program asks the user to give a string and then the program will remove the vowels in the given string using JavaScript programming language.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
Want to support my channel?
GCash Account
Jake Pomperada
Program Listing
<h2>Remove Vowels in a String in JavaScript</h2>
body {
font-family: arial;
<script type="text/javascript">
function Remove_Vowels(str) {
var str = document.getElementById( 'rev_vowels' ).value;
var strArr = str.split('');
for (var x = 0; x < str.length; x++) {
var char = str[x].toLowerCase();
if (char == "a" || char == "e" || char == "i" || char == "o" || char == "u") {
strArr[x] = '';
alert( "" + strArr);
return strArr.join('');
<input type="text" size=40 id="rev_vowels"><br><br>
<input type="button" value="Remove Vowels String" onClick="Remove_Vowels(rev_vowels)">
Reverse a String in JavaScript
A simple program asks the user to give a string and then the program will reverse the given string and display the reverse string in the alert dialog box using JavaScript programming language.
I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details. If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.
My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.Please subscribe to my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOs-lpOoIeJoh6gpJthPoGg
Want to support my channel?
GCash Account
Jake Pomperada
Program Listing<html><h2>Reverse a String in JavaScript</h2><style>body {font-family: arial;}</style><script type="text/javascript">function reverse_string(form) {var text = "";var str = document.getElementById( 'rev_string' ).value;for (i = 0; i <= str.length; i++)text = str.substring(i, i+1) + text;alert( "" + text);}</script><form><input type="text" size=40 id="rev_string"><br><br><input type="button" value="Reverse String" onClick="reverse_string(rev_string)"></form></html>