Saturday, March 14, 2020

For Each Loop in Java

A simple program that I wrote using Java programming language to demonstrate the use of For Each loop statement.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing

public class for_each {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int array[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
System.out.println("\tFor Each Loop in Java\n");
for (int x:array)
System.out.print("" + x + " ");
System.out.println("\tEnd of the Program");



Days of the Week in Java

Days of the Week in Java

A simple program that I wrote using Java programming language to ask the user to give a number and then the given number will determine if the given number belongs to days of the week from Monday to Sunday.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Days_of_the_Week {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int day=0;
System.out.println("\tDays of the Week in Java");
System.out.print("\tGive a Number  : ");
day = input.nextInt();
if (day==1){
System.out.print("\tIt is Monday."); 
else if (day==2)
System.out.print("\tIt is Tuesday."); 
else if (day==3)
System.out.print("\tIt is Wednesday."); 
else if (day==4)
System.out.print("\tIt is Thursday."); 
else if (day==5)
System.out.print("\tIt is Friday."); 
else if (day==6)
System.out.print("\tIt is Saturday."); 
else if (day==7)
System.out.print("\tIt is Sunday."); 
else {
System.out.print("\tInvalid Day of the Week."); 
System.out.println("\tEnd of the Program");



Decimal To BInary in Java

Decimal To BInary in Java

I wrote this simple program to ask the user to give a decimal number and then the program will convert the given decimal value into its binary equivalent using Java programming language.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Decimal_Binary {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int a=0;
System.out.println("\tDecimal To Binary in Java");
System.out.print("\tGive a Number  : ");
a = input.nextInt();
System.out.print("\tThe Binary is   "+ Integer.toBinaryString(a));
System.out.println("\tEnd of the Program");


Function Overloading in C++

Function Overloading in C++

Here is a simple program to show you how to declare and use function overloading in C++.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

class test {
      void display()
       cout << "\tWelcome To C++";
       cout <<"\n\n";
      void display(int x) {
       cout <<"\t" << x;

int main()
   test obj;
   cout << "\tFunction Overloading in C++";
   cout <<"\n\n";
   cout <<"\n\n";
   cout <<"\tEnd of Program";
   cout <<"\n\n";

Inline Function in C++

Inline Function in C++

I wrote this simple program that I wrote using C++ that demonstrates the use of the inline function.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

inline int add(int a, int b, int c)

int main()
   cout <<"\tInline Function Program in C++";
   cout <<"\n\n";
   cout << "\tThe result is " <<add(1,2,3);
   cout <<"\n\n";
   cout <<"\tEnd of Program";
   cout <<"\n\n";

Hello World Program in JQuery

Hello World in JQuery

Here is a simple hello world program that I wrote using JQuery.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


  <title> Hello World in JQuery  </title>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>

          alert("Hello World in JQuery");
       <button id="cl">Click Me</button>

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Length of the String in PHP

A simple code that I wrote to count the number of characters in a given string in PHP also counts the whitespace in between words in a given string.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing



$title ="PHP Programming";
$author ="Jake Rodriguez Pomperada";

echo "<h3> Length of the String in PHP </h3>";
echo $title."<br>";
echo "Title Length : ".strlen($title)."<br>"; 
echo $author."<br>";
echo "Author Length : ".strlen($author)."<br>"; 

print statement in PHP

Here is a simple program that I wrote to demonstrate how to use print statements in the PHP programming language.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing



$names ='Jake R. Pomperada';
$age = 41;

print "<h3>print statement in PHP </h3>";
print "My Name is $names. <br>";
print "My Age is $age years old.";

One Dimensional Array in PHP

A simple program that I wrote using the PHP programming language to show how to use a one-dimensional array.

I am currently accepting programming work, IT projects, school and application development, programming projects, thesis and capstone projects, IT consulting work, computer tutorials, and web development work kindly contact me in the following email address for further details.  If you want to advertise on my website kindly contact me also in my email address also. Thank you.

My email address is the following,, and

My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
My telephone number at home here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental Philippines is  +63 (034) 4335675.

Here in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental I also accepting computer repair, web development using WordPress, Computer Networking and Arduino Project development at a very affordable price.

My personal website is
My programming website is

I am also a book author you can purchase my books on computer programming and information technology in the following links below.

Sample Program Output

Program Listing


$fruits = array("Banana", "Apple", "Orange");

echo "<br>";
echo "<h4>One Dimensional Array in PHP</h4>";
echo "I like " . $fruits[0] . ", " . $fruits[1] . " and " . $fruits[2] . ".";