A simple program that I wrote in JavaScript to solve the average grade of the student based on the subjects the students taken that program also gives remarks whether the student pass or failed in the average grade. The program is very useful for those who wants to learning JavaScript programming.
If you have some questions please send me an email at jakerpomperada@gmail.com and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
My mobile number here in the Philippines is 09173084360.
Program Listing
<title>Average Grade Solver in JavaScript </title>
<h1> Average Grade Solver in JavaScript </h1>
<script language = "Javascript">
function Average(eng,math,theo,sci,his)
ave = (eng+math+theo+sci+his)/5;
var studname = prompt ("Enter Student Name:","");
var gr_eng = parseInt (prompt ("Enter grade in English:"," "));
var gr_math = parseInt (prompt ("Enter grade in Math:"," "));
var gr_theo = parseInt (prompt ("Enter grade in Theology:"," "));
var gr_sci = parseInt (prompt ("Enter grade in Science:"," "));
var gr_his = parseInt (prompt ("Enter grade in History:"," "));
var ave=Average(gr_eng,gr_math,gr_theo,gr_sci,gr_his);
document.write ("<center><h1> STUDENT GRADE SHEET </h1><hr width='75%' color='blue' size='3'>");
document.write ("<table><tr><td>Student<td>Name:<td><b>",studname,"</b>");
document.write ("<tr><td><b><u>Subject:</b></u><td><br>");
document.write ("<tr><td><br><td> English:<td>",gr_eng);
document.write ("<tr><td><br><td> Math:<td>",gr_math);
document.write ("<tr><td><br><td> Theology:<td>",gr_theo);
document.write ("<tr><td><br><td> Science:<td>",gr_sci);
document.write ("<tr><td><br><td> History:<td>",gr_his);
document.write ("<tr><td>Average<td>Grade:<td><b><p>",ave,"</b>");
if (ave >= 75)
status = "Passed";
status = "Failed";
document.write ("<tr><td>Status:<td><br><td><b>",status,"</b></table><hr width=75% color='blue' size=3>");
<body bgcolor = "green" text = "white">