Showing posts with label vb 6 factorial of number. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vb 6 factorial of number. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Factorial in Visual Basic 6

In the part article that I have already wrote this type of program about factorial of numbers if you are wondering why I wrote this another factorial program my answer is very simple to give you an idea how to write a factorial program using Microsoft Visual Basic 6 as our programming language for program development. As a programmer we are not always dealing with one programming language all the time the reason is the programming has a wide range of application and not all programming language fits in a particular application. I will give you some insights if you want to create a program that deals with the hardware of the computer you can use C++ or C to handle for a job because it is designed for systems programming you can’t use this programming language in making webpage because it is not designed with it use HTML and CSS instead.  I used Microsoft Visual Basic 6 in this application because of its ease of use I my thesis in my college days we used it as our programming language for our thesis in titled “Computers Semi-Encyclopaedia” what is good about this language is that you can draw the different objects or I would say control and then after you design you can put the code for its control and run the program. It can save you big amount of time in designing you application you can more focus in solving the program is a short period of time.

This number factorial program is based on the concept in computer science called recursion algorithm. I will give you some idea what is a recursion is all about. In simple words we can say recursion is the ability of the function to call itself several times during the program execution in order to solve the program one of the basic application of recursion is factorial of numbers, tower of Hanoi and Fibonacci number as an example.  The recursion algorithm was developed by Dr. Stephen Cole Kleene in 1930 he is an American mathematician and a computer scientist who contributed many concepts in computer science.

Before we can write a single line of code for our program number factorial program we need to design our user interface. In our form we put a label that tells the user to enter a number take note we are dealing here with whole positive number and then it followed by our textbox where the use put a value.  The next portion is we have two command button the first button will performed computation and the other one will allow the user to quit the program. In order for us to display the list of numbers I am using List Box control in Visual Basic that advantage of using this control is that is automatically put a vertical scroll bar when the values exceed the size of our list box as we put in our window form.

Here is the function that I wrote for solving the factorial value of a number. What this function will do is to accept a number as its parameter in this case variable y if y <= 1 then the value is 1 it means if the user will only give 1 as the number in our text box it will return 1 as its default factorial value.  If the value of variable y is greater than 1 it will call itself  again and decrement the value of y until such time we arrive with the final answer let say the user will give 4 as its factorial value 4! = 4! * 3! * 2! * 1! = 24.  So the final value of 4! Is 24 we subtract 1 every time our loop statement call itself.  The important of using function compared with writing the code in a straight forward manner is that we can call the function several times in our program without writing the same code all over again it helps us to cut down the development time of our program and minimize the errors that might occur in during program development process.

Private Function Solve_Factorial(ByVal y As Double) As Double
If y <= 1 Then
    Solve_Factorial = 1
    Solve_Factorial = y * Solve_Factorial(y - 1)
  End If
End Function

In the general declaration we use Option Explicit it means every variable in our program should be declared with its corresponding data types.  It is very important to declare all the variable with its corresponding data type because we will know what is corresponding value should be used in our program. The next portion our code is the call of solve button here we have two variable a and b we declare it integer as its data types. We clear the list box values by calling this command lstValues.Clear the b variable is being used as our assignment operator we assigned for Val(Form1.txtvalue.txt) the keyword Val is a function In Visual Basic 6 to convert text value in a text box into an integer format.  As we go along we use a for loop statement variable a = 0 to b will add the items in our list box by using this commands For a = 0 To b   lstValues.AddItem Format$(a, "@@") & "! = " &    Solve_Factorial((a)) and calling our function called Solve_Factorial(a) and we exit in our loop statement.

Private Sub cmd_solve_Click()
 Dim a As Integer, b As Integer

 Call lstValues.Clear
 b = Val(Form1.txtvalue.Text)

  For a = 0 To b
   lstValues.AddItem Format$(a, "@@") & "! = " & _
   Next a
End Sub

The last portion of our code is the quit bottom what is code will do when the user click the bottom it will ask the use if the user want to quit the program or not is the user will continue to use the program it will return to the form window and erase the previous value given by the user. If the use choose to quit the program will be terminated and the user return to the windows environment.

Private Sub cmdquit_Click()
Dim reply As String
reply = MsgBox("Do you want to quit program?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton2, "Quit Program")
If (reply = vbYes) Then
  Unload Me
 End If
End Sub

The program Number Factorial program is not difficult to write and develop what is very important for us to know the is our desired output and the formulas need to solve that particular problem in hand. If you have some questions feel free to email me I am very happy to answer your questions , comments and suggestions.

Thank you very much and Happy Productive Programming.

If you have some questions please send me an email at and

People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me at my mobile number 09173084360

Sample Program Output