Showing posts with label Average Grade Solver Using One-Dimensional Array in Golang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Average Grade Solver Using One-Dimensional Array in Golang. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2019

Average Grade Solver Using One-Dimensional Array in Golang

Write a program using a one-dimensional array to ask the user to give a series of grades and then the program will compute the average grade and display the result on the screen.

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Sample Program Output

Program Listing

/* average_grade.go
   Author   : Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED-IT
   Date     : August 1, 2019  Thursday  8:31 PM
   Location : Bacolod City, Negros Occidental
   Website  :
   Emails   : and

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var grades[6] int
a :=0
solve := 0
sum := 0

fmt.Print("\t\tAverage Grade Solver")

for a = 1; a <= 5; a+=1 {
fmt.Printf("\tEnter Grade No. %d : ", a);

for a=0; a<=5; a+=1 {
sum = sum + grades[a];
solve =(sum/5);

fmt.Printf("\tThe average grades is %d. ",solve);
if (solve >=75) {
fmt.Printf("\tYou Passed the subject.");
} else {
fmt.Printf("\tYou Failed the subject.");

fmt.Print("\tEnd of Program")