A simple Automatic Teller Machine Simulation program that I wrote in C++ thank you Sir Manny Emmanuel for giving me an idea on this program.
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My email address is the following jakerpomperada@gmail.com, jakerpomperada@aol.com, and jakerpomperada@yahoo.com.
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My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com
My personal website is http://www.jakerpomperada.com
Sample Program
Program Listing
#include <iostream>
// Created By Mr. Jake R. Pomperada, MAED-IT
// C++ October 19, 2018
// www.jakerpomperada.com
using namespace std;
int main()
int bill500=0, bill200=0, bill100=0, total_balance=0;
int withdraw=0, money_left=0;
int reciv500=0, reciv200=0, reciv100=0;
char withdraw_again[2] = "N";
system("COLOR F0");
cout <<"\n\n";
cout <<"\t Automatic Teller Machine Simulation in C++";
cout <<"\n\n";
cout <<"\tHow many P500 bills: ";
cin >>bill500;
cout <<"\tHow many PHP 200 bills: ";
cin >>bill200;
cout <<"\tHow many PHP 100 bills: ";
cin >> bill100;
total_balance = (bill500 * 500 + (bill200 * 200 + (bill100 * 100)) );
cout <<"\tTotal Balance: PHP :" << total_balance;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\tEnter amount to withdraw: PHP ";
cin >>withdraw;
money_left = withdraw ;
if (withdraw > total_balance)
cout <<"\tWithdraw amount greater than total balance. ";
cout <<"\n";
if (withdraw < total_balance)
if (money_left >= 500)
reciv500 = int(money_left / 500);
if (reciv500 > bill500) reciv500 = bill500;
money_left = money_left - (reciv500 * 500);
bill500 = bill500 - reciv500;
if (money_left >= 200)
reciv200 = int(money_left / 200);
if (reciv200 > bill200) reciv200 = bill200;
money_left = money_left - (reciv200 * 200);
bill200 = bill200 - reciv200;
if (money_left >= 100)
reciv100 = int(money_left / 100);
if (reciv100 > bill100) reciv100 = bill100;
money_left = money_left - (reciv100 * 100);
bill100 = bill100 - reciv100;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\tYou will receive:";
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\t PHP 500 bill : " << reciv500;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\t PHP 200 bill : " << reciv200;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\t PHP 100 bill : " << reciv100;
cout <<"\n";
total_balance = total_balance - withdraw;
cout <<"\tYour current balance is: PHP " <<total_balance;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\tYou only have balance of:";
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\t PHP 500 bill : " << bill500;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\t PHP 200 bill : " << bill200;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\t PHP 100 bill : " << bill100;
cout <<"\n";
cout <<"\n\n";
cout <<"\tAnother Withdraw Again ? Y/N : ";
cin >>withdraw_again;
} while (withdraw_again == "Y" || withdraw_again == "y");
cout <<"\n\n";
cout <<"\tEnd of Program";
cout <<"\n\n";